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Better to Complain than Ask!

By Heather Joyner posted 02-22-2015 13:24


I often find myself throughout the day listening and observing the behaviors of personnel and today it dawned on me that many would rather complain than ask for what they want or what they need.

It makes me ponder the question, Why? Is it that they don't believe they can have or get what they want? Or, is it just better to complain and have an excuse to why something can't be done?

This behavior was noticed to no avail this morning when I overheard an employee complaining to co-workers that she didn't have use of all her computer monitors and therefore, couldn't do her job. Now mind you, there are six monitors at this workstation, and with one monitor being out it totally disrupted her work flow and in her response/behavior, crippled her abilities to work all together.

Were there choices, absolutely!

My immediate reaction was to want to go out and fix the problem, but I wanted to observe this behavior, and see how the workplace would respond to the verbal out pour. I listened as the employee continued to blame her workstation for why she couldn't do certain things. I listened as co-workers bought into the story that this is just how it is and to do the best she could. I listened as the conversations got off topic about how this would impact operations if the call volume got out of hand, but yet, no one seemed to respond by asking for what they needed, or to inform the one person in the office who could do something about it, yet continued to talk about the inconveniences.

After forty-five minutes of non-stop chatter, I finally heard enough, and casually walked out of my office onto the communications floor to inquire about what the problem was. I was informed that one of the monitors was burned out and within five minutes had the workstation up and running with no further issues. When I asked the question, "why didn't you let me know?" The employees response was, "I thought you already knew!."

So the question remains, is it better to complain or to ask?

This behavior, in my opinion, is an example of how we often make assumptions, get stuck dealing with our issues or situations that we fail to see our choices or create a story that we can't get what we want or need. A simple question would have saved a ton of productivity, as everyone seemed to be focused on this one topic, rather than seeking a solution.

I'm willing to hear your feedback...




04-16-2015 12:01

I hear you Kelly! It's amazing how our agencies are all so unique, but alike in so many ways.

04-16-2015 12:00

Thanks for sharing your comment Chandra! I am always looking at issues as opportunities to grow and increase my awareness.. By doing so, it helps me to share each opportunity as miniature leadership lessons to my staff, and here on the blog.

04-16-2015 11:49

Thanks for your comment Charlie!

04-11-2015 14:19

While reading this I couldn't help but ask myself, "Is this my center that she's referring to?, Often while I'm in my office I hear the same thing and will try to present a "different way of looking at it" proposal to everyone. I agree with others who has commented that being in a small space for 12 hrs can cause a small issue to grow. I've learned in my role as supervisor to help try and repaint the picture for them to help them understand. It can be a daily struggle but it makes me more confident and appreciate my role everyday.

04-06-2015 22:13

At my agency there are several like that. They would rather complain than fix the problem or address it where it needs to be addressed. In such a confined place such as the agency where I work, someone in complaining mode just brings negativity into the room. I have learned to just observe, and let it be. I am so glad to hear that it isn't just my agency.

03-15-2015 11:43

Laurie, thank you for sharing your comment! I love your insight on this. It is sooo true!

03-13-2015 10:27

Thank you. It's nice to know it happens in other places. Once the complaining starts the stories get bigger and bigger. When the problem gets corrected they will forget the ending of the story and will continue to bring up the day the problem happened.

03-05-2015 09:10

Wow! Great way to look at this situation. It is a common, everyday scenerio that takes place in our Centers but we never take the time to review it any further. Thanks for shedding some light on the situation.

02-23-2015 10:44

LOL! Thanks Frank.

02-23-2015 10:23

Heather - I was just checking my employee roster and I do not have you working in my center...;-)

02-22-2015 19:45

Thanks for commenting Charlie!

02-22-2015 17:50

I see this everyday in the Center, but not once have I looked at it this way. Thank You Heather.