
Mr. George Long II, RPL

SAIC/Science Applications International Corp

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SAIC/Science Applications International Corp
Platinum Most Valuable PSConnect Member

Mr. George Long II, RPL

SAIC/Science Applications International Corp


I am currently a contractor in support of the CISA ICTAP and an adjunct lecturer at Central Washington University.  Before that, I served in various roles in other agencies in Oregon as call taker, dispatcher, supervisor, trainer, and assistant operations manager and as a public safety academy instructor and then finishing my 9-1-1 career as the Director of KITTCOM (Kittitas County 9-1-1) in Ellensburg, WA. I am also currently a member of the Southeast Washington Type 3 All Hazards Incident Management Team. I hold Master’s Degrees in Emergency Management and National Security Studies, led the Washington’s Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce (TERT) and am a certified Type III All Hazards Communications Unit Leader (COML).  I have responded to many incidents locally and at the state level but also nationally in support of the Deepwater Horizon Response and the Malheur Refuge Stand-off.  As a volunteer since the age of 12, I have been involved with CERT, Civil Air Patrol, the Washington State Guard, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Kittitas County Auxiliary Communications Service, serving in roles related to emergency management and emergency communications.