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CritiCall Cut Off Scores

By Christopher Giokas posted 06-24-2015 09:35

    Can anyone share with me how they established their cut-off scores for CritiCall, in the new hire process? Also any written policy or procedure on the same would be very beneficial.

Thank you in advance,

Christopher R. Giokas # 410


Airport Operations Center  

Tampa International Airport Police Dept.




10-31-2017 18:05

Florida Highway Patrol did a very in depth Validation study with Criticall.  while every agency should use their own staff for personalized results, I found some of the information contained in the report and how the modules are actually interpreted to be very useful, especially when justifying why standards should be set and how high, or how low to make them.  I recommend reading the study.  For example, the study is not bias toward one race or ethnicity, but does seem to favor women over men.  It also recommends that no module be set lower than 70% in any functional area as the likelihood that a person can achieve effectiveness with training drastically decreases at rates lower than 70%.

07-07-2015 08:54

Within the software you can use the validation wizard, I had my high performing telecommunicators take the the test with validation wizard, at the end of each segment they are asked questions regarding the module completed. I reminded them to consider each as to whether the skill was needed at the very start or can be trained up to meet the requirements. I found that after completion and testing of applicants the preset scores were right on the money. Critcall staff was of great help and only a phone call away to help guide me through the process.

06-29-2015 20:53

Any assistance would be appreciated.