
The hailing frequencies are open

By Diana Sprain posted 06-04-2013 23:48


That heading caught you eye, didn't it?

Stay-tuned. You'll have to read on (kinda-like those teasers on the morning talk shows).

Before social media hit the internet, before DVDs, we had CDs, cassettes, and video camcorders. A few brave souls thought it would be cool to make recordings of their co-workers on the job. Now, before I go any farther - yes, even way back when there were some privacy laws - just, none as strict as they are now. Common sense seemed to be a little more prevelant. We all knew not to show pictures of patients  to the general public(always take the shot minus the head). Well, okay, a few idiots always managed to be stupid and do so, but they were weeded out. Videos were a little trickier.

Then it happened. A partner brought a camera to work. Snap! A picture was taken. A camcorder was next. Hey, I'm just practcing, so I'll delete this once I fugre out how...okay? The tape & photos piled up. What a dilemna. Soon folks were putting together albums of photographs and bringing the books to parties. Not only did they have pictures, but in some cases the pictures had detailed explanations of the action shown. In a Gonzo-style, the albums evolved to shift journals, mixed with editorials with deprived, late night observations and the occasional cartoon or photo. Edgy and cutting, they still made us laugh but the content was definately not for the weak-hearted or PC. Tough - not that those type even showed up to the gatherings, they'd have probably been eaten alive.

Still not crazy enough. What about showing what we did? Someone said, let's make a video.

And so 'they' did. A couple of videos came out. Unofficial of course, and others had ideas for more. Boot-legged music for background - no real dialogue - just let the film speak for itself.

What did we get?

Insane footage of fires from INSIDE the buildings, ambulances running hot (code 3, lights & sirens - call it what you will), police in the background, hospital staff, and street people doing what real street people do. Unedited, raw footage. Very little of it scripted. Even a little days off fun.

Just think what we could have been done if one of those persons had been given an official go-ahead. Awesome videos for job fairs. Some of us become very good with the crude technology back then. Fade-in's, special effects, tech sounds...

Does anyone have a recruitment video? Does it include dispatch?

Yeah, again, late on a mid-week night shift you look for things to do just to stay awake. It's that or write badge numbers on pieces of paper on stick 'em on a dart board. Who's pissing you off? That one goes in the bullseye.

Worked real nice as a stress reliever until admin noticed all the tiny holes in the door.

So - about the header: "The hailing frequenices are open." Doesn't have to do with any one incident. I was ging through Star Trek sites and reading trivia. Even in the far future, explorers depended upon radio communications as their last resort over their weapons. Lt. Commander Uhura, the First Lady of Space always sat ready at her console to send or receive transmissions, with 'the hailing frequencies are open' comment to let Kirk know she was on the job. I, and a few friends, said those very words a few times over the years (among other irregular or unusual blurbs). Quickly inserted between official traffic, of course.

No one noticed.

Go figure.

Until next time, stay safe out there.

