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911 Manager's Mastermind

By Heather Joyner posted 07-08-2015 09:58


As a 911 or public safety director, your job isn’t limited to managing the budget, hiring, and making sure you have enough people on staff. Your job requires of you difficult decisions about how to influence, discipline and course-correct people. The biggest problems you will ever face is not about the budget, technology or process.

Your greatest drama will always involve other people

Your supervisors aren’t rowing in the same direction

Your pot-stirrer has seniority and you are up against union protection

Petty gossip and bad morale contribute to the toxic environment

No one knows who to trust

Meetings turn into gripe sessions so you avoid them like the plague

Your open door turns into a revolving door that wastes your time

You avoid difficult conversations because you don’t have the skills

It’s Tough Being Sandwiched in the Middle
As a director, you are often caught in the middle between administration and the people. There’s very little support or leadership development to help you build the critical skills needed in this fast paced environment. The environment is toxic, difficult conversations are avoided, trust erodes, and workplace drama escalates. No wonder you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and burned out.

It doesn’t have to be this way
What if you had real-time expertise to get a question answered, get the support you need or simply have access to your peers to share your own experiences?

An Invitation to Join 911 Manager’s Mastermind Pilot
Get the support, expertise, information, and coaching you need so that you are navigating the ship instead of shoveling coal in the boiler room.  See the details and the benefits of joining this pilot program in September of 2015.


