
Dispatch two week time cycle?

By Kyla Gingrich posted 01-07-2015 12:20

I am looking for agencies or dispatch centers that run on a two week time cycle instead of a 7 day time cycle.  Please post contact information that I can forward to my HR department.  Thank you!



02-20-2015 01:14

Kyla, this may be a little late, but we also run a two week rotation: essentially it's 6 hrs on Monday (2 is overtime) then 12 on Tues, (Wed/Thu off) 12 on Fri Sat & Sun, then 6 on Monday (2 is OT), (Tue off) then 12 on Wed & Thu (Fri/Sat/Sun off) repeat. This results in everyone working every Monday, and a 42 hour work week each week.

01-30-2015 11:32

Our agency works a 2-week pay period where our dispatchers work a short and a long week which gives them every other F/S/S off. It also gives them a built in 6 hours of overtime during the long week (as long as they don't call off). On the short week they work Sun/Wed/Thur and the long week they work the opposite, Mon/Tues/Fri/Sat. My staff love the schedule becasue of the 3 day weekend every other week. We also do permanent shifts, so they all know thier schedule a year out.

01-08-2015 12:34

Our agency works a 2 week pay period where our dispatchers work 6 out of 7 days and are then off 6 out of 7 days, Monday is always an on or off day. they love the benifit of all the time off. If Monday was you day to work and you took it off your off for a week straight.