“Revolutionizing Indoor and Urban Positioning in Mobile Devices for Emergency Response"

When:  Jul 25, 2012 from 14:00 to 15:00 (ET)
Associated with  Communications Open Forum

Free Webinar
“Revolutionizing Indoor and Urban Positioning in Mobile Devices for Emergency Response"

Sponsored by APCO International and NextNav, LLC

All wireless devices are required to report their position to the responding Public Safety Answering Point (“PSAP”) when they dial 9-1-1, and consumers expect quick, accurate processing and dispatch of public safety resources when they call for emergency aid.  The increasing use of wireless devices indoors and in urban areas has raised new challenges for automatic location performance.

While GPS offers excellent 2D positioning performance in outdoor environments, it is significantly degraded in indoor and urban environments.  Alternative technologies for emergency response typically lack the required accuracy, reliability or coverage to extend service indoors.  With an estimate of over 70% of E9-1-1 calls being placed form wireless devices, and with an estimate that over 30% of U.S. households lack a landline phone, a service to complement GPS is urgently required.  Further, many urban areas feature significant vertical features, such as high-rise buildings or complex highway interchanges. Accurate presentation of height will be necessary to determine location in these environments.

To address these challenges and meet the ever-more urgent needs of indoor and urban positioning for mobile devices, NextNav, LLC is deploying a nationwide network to provide GPS-like location where GPS itself is either significantly degraded or unavailable. The Webinar will present NextNav’s positioning technology which is based on a dedicated, wide-area broadcast network using licensed spectrum and is designed to be integrated with GPS chipsets and existing call flows to provide a seamless service transition as devices move from outdoor to indoor.  During the presentations, NextNav will discuss how it also delivers extremely accurate height information to appropriately equipped devices.

This webinar will address:

  • Techniques used to determine position, benefits and limitations;
  • Key factors that influence performance, and the specific challenges presented by urban and indoor environments;
  • The NextNav approach to positioning; and,
  •  A review of  NextNav’s System Performance.

To register for this free webinar, click here.




Meghan McCluskey
